Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hello Out There!?!?!?!


I am welcoming myself to the Blogging world! YAY! What to write about...?

I suppose I have started this blog mainly for the same reasons that most others make friends, broaden my worldly perspective on things, to put my ideas and musings out in cyberland for the whole world to see and comment on etc... 


Now that we (I) have established the basics of blogging, i'll tell you a little bit about myself:

I am 22.

I am married.

I am married to a 30 year old.

I am pregnant with our first child.

I live on a rural property.


I want to be the person my dog thinks I am.

Who does my dog think I am? (The Million Dollar Question)... She thinks I am the most awesome person in the world! 

She thinks I'm wise. She thinks I am an unconditional lover. She thinks I am sweet. She thinks I am good natured. She thinks I am a great giver. And she thinks I always put others before myself (at least in her world anyways).

So I should tell you a little bit about my doggy. Well. I will correct that. She's is not technically my dog per se. She actually belongs to my sister-in-law, who we live with. But she just has this amazing ability to be everyone's dog. Hers. His. Theirs. Ours. Mine. So therefore for the purpose of this blog, she will be referred to as "my dog." My dog is a border collie. An aging one. But she is still so sharp! (They do say that Collies are the smartest of dogs, but I think she is the smartest of all the Border Collies). She also has this way of looking you right in the eyes. Not just a glance. But a full on stare. Right into your eyes. I don't know many dogs that can do that. But, she can. 

The title of this blog came from a magnet I saw stuck on a fridge at my dogs local grooming salon that said "Be the person your dog thinks you are" and it really got me thinking (and a little teared up I will add...but in my defense, I was pregnant unbeknownst to me). How much better would the world be if we could all be the person our dog thinks we are? My dog is always ALWAYS so happy to see me? I want my friends and family to be like that when they see me. I want others in the street who don't know me to sense that I am a good person, just like my dog can. I want our baby to be a good person to. I want it to be contagious! 

So this blog is my account of how  I am going to try and be a better person. Because in my world, God is like my Dog. And No. I'm not saying God is a Dog. I'm saying that he too is always so happy to see me. He delights in my company. He loves me! And in the end, He is ultimately the one I am living for. So I want to make the most of this life and spread the love around and really be the person my dog thinks I am!

